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Vermentino 2019

Oliver’s Taranga. McLaren Vale. South Australia.

100% Vermentino


Ny årgang netop ankommet!

Beskrivelse følger.


Vermentino og Fiano har ikke eksisteret i McLaren Vale i særligt mange år, men disse druers høje naturlige indhold af syre har vist sig at passe perfekt til klimaet i McLaren Vale.

Læs mere om Vermentino

Oliver’s Taranga leverer druer i absolut topklasse, hvilket er årsagen til, at de som det eneste McLaren Vale winery er hædret med Penfolds Grange Growers Perpetual Trophy, og de har leveret druer til Penfolds Grange utallige gange. Der er kælet for alle detaljer i deres vine, og man fornemmer, at hver drue yder sit optimale.


Læs om Oliver’s Taranga Vineyards


Noter fra vinmageren

This Vermentino is a light, fresh and crisp little number that will make you feel like an invigorating sea breeze is whipping through your hair. Smash it down with anything fresh from the sea or a spicy Vietnamese salad.


Talcum powder, a squeeze of lemon over fresh fish, mandarin, honey, fresh lychee and oyster shell. Makes your mouth water like rain on warm asphalt….or maybe that’s just me!!


Tight lemony acid, fresh honey florals on the back palate, touch of fruit tingle on the finish. Talcum tannins give a savoury line to the finish.

Wine & Vintage

A native of Italy, Vermentino is generating a lot of interest in the wine community due to its heat tolerance and ability to produce beautiful crisp and fresh wines, perfect for the Australian palate. This minimal intervention Vermentino is made with indigenous yeast, has no added acid and is made without the use of oak.

With 100 ha of premium grapevines on the Taranga property, the Oliver family has over 50 blocks representing different grape varieties, clones, soil types & vine ages. Each vintage, different varieties & blocks will show their strength and from this has been born the ‘SMALL BATCH’ range. Made in small batches of less than two tonnes, these wines have been handcrafted to speak of both the variety and the vintage in which they have been produced.


Fra vinskribenterne

The kind of wine which oozes beachside getaways.

Super fresh and crisp, wrap your hands around joyous parcels of lemons and old school lemonade rolling about. Zippy with dashes of lime and some white flowers add to the touches of sea spray and fine minerally feels. Cleansing acidity has you reaching for more – yep, let’s go beachside.

Drink now.

91/100. QWinereviews.com


119,00 kr.

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Om Oliver’s Taranga Vineyards

Oliver’s Taranga beskriver selv en af deres kerneværdier som Passion about everything we do. Det beskriver rigtigt godt den oplevelse, vi havde de gange, vi besøgte Oliver’s Taranga. Vi havde efter et besøg i Barossa Valley fået anbefalet bl.a. Oliver’s Taranga fra folkene i cellar door’en på Greenock Creek Winery. Vi havde ikke hørt om stedet før, men vi er glade for Greenock Creek og så derfor en anbefaling fra dem som muligheden for, at der var noget godt i vente. Og vi blev på ingen måder skuffede. Oliver’s Taranga er et af de sjældne wineries, hvor man føler, at man er på bølgelængde med vinmageren, så snart man tager den første sip af den første vin. Hver vin har noget unikt at tilbyde og er lavet præcist, som man selv kunne ønske sig, at den skulle være. Det er efter min mening meget sjældent. Ved besøg hos mange wineries i McLaren Vale, Barossa Valley, Coonawarra, Clare Valley, Hunter Valley og resten af verden for den sags skyld, fornemmer man ofte tidligt om ens egne præferencer og smag bliver mødt eller ej. Selv om man måske virkelig leder med lys og lygte efter de gemte skatte, finder man dem måske aldrig, også selv efter at have smagt hele deres repertoire. Andre gange kan man finde et enkelt eller et par ”lucky punches”, men hos Oliver’s Taranga finder man sig hjemme hele vejen.



While they have ‘only’ been making wine since 1994, the folks at Oliver’s Taranga have a history of grape growing in South Australia that goes back over 170 years. In 1839 William and Elizabeth Oliver travelled to South Australia from Scotland. They eventually settled in the McLaren Vale region where they planted vineyards and orchards on their property ‘Taranga’.
It was sixth generation family member and winemaker Corrina Wright who was the first to convince the family, in particular her grandfather, to let her take some of the grapes to make their own wine. It is easy to understand Corrina’s enthusiasm to make wine with the Oliver’s renowned grapes. The family have been winning awards and plaudits for the quality of their grapes since 1857, when William Oliver was awarded ‘the best collection of grapes’ at the local Willunga Agricultural Society Exhibition.
The exceptional quality of the Oliver’s grapes has also given them a close connection to Australia’s most famous fine wine, Penfolds Grange. Growing grapes that are used to make Grange is one of the highest honours that you can have as an Australian grape grower. Some growers will cherish making the grade and having their Shiraz grapes included in the famous Australian wine just once in their lives, a truly great achievement. The folks at Oliver’s Taranga? They’ve had their grapes from their vineyards included in Penfolds Grange fourteen times since 1996! No wonder Corrina was so keen to make delicious wine with such exceptional grapes!
(Aussie Wine Month Story: Oliver’s Taranga. May 8 2016)

Hvidvin. Australien.


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