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Rose of Virginia 2018

Charles Melton Wines. Barossa Valley. South Australia.

Grenache, Shiraz og Cabernet Sauvignon.


Et sandt Mesterværk. Årgang 2018 er fenomenal hele vejen igennem. Fantastisk farve og sublimt afstemt med en smule mere tørhed end tidligere årgange. Høj klasse.

Rose of Virginia fejrer med årgang 2018 29 års fødselsdag og er blevet fremstillet af Charles Melton i 29 år i træk.

Charles Melton anses for at være én af Australiens førende rosé producenter af vinkritikeren James Halliday, som også tildeler Rose of Virginia 2018 95 point og Special Value Wine.

Senest bedømt i april 2019.


Under fremstilling af Rose of Virginia er drueskallerne kortvarigt i kontakt med druemosten efter presning, efterfulgt af en 6 ugers koldfermentering, hvilket løfter smagen og giver en rig men sprød gane.
Rose of Virginia er ikke traditionelt lys, sart rød, som man oftest ser rosévine, men derimod mere dyb rosé og næsten pink agtig i farven.

Den begrænsede produktion på Charles Meltons marker belønnes med små bær med en intens farve og smag. Smagen er fantastisk afstemt, og selv hvis vinen stille og roligt stiger i temperatur, taber den aldrig strukturen, men bevarer sin fylde, friskhed og balance. En fuldkommen nydelse fra start til slut.

Servér gerne vinen i et godt tulipanformet rødvinsglas for på bedste vis at fremhæve de fine duft- og smagsnuancer.


Læs om Charles Melton Wines


Noter fra vinmageren

So little rain, but so much flavour!! The lack of any real spring rain has resulted in the crop levels similar to 2016 some 30-40% below seasonal averages. But the upside is the intensity of fruit spectrum across all varieties including our favoured Grenache.

If we could dial up the perfect hue for Rose of Virginia every year the 2018 would be the model. Deep enough to be distinctly Virginia but with a lightness of touch to keep it on the Rose side of the spectrum. Highly aromatic with a lovely musk infused primary bouquet but hints of crushed mint and clove. Lovely weight with a crisp citrus tang of acidity and the traditional rounding out of some apparent but silky tannins.

A number of key techniques are important to the Rose of Virginia. Cold soak on skins followed by clear settling of the juice helps heighten the aromatics, and co-fermentation of the major varieties delivers the superb hue. A six to eight week cool alcoholic fermentation is followed, before immediate bottling to retain as much youthful zest and life as possible.

64% Grenache, 26% Shiraz, 10% Cabernet Sauvignon

Alc: 12.0% pH: 3.2 TA: 6.5 g/L


Fra vinskribenterne

95 point af James Halliday og Special Value Wine.


Kategori: Tag:

129,00 kr.

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Om Charles Melton Wines

Anbefalet af selveste Henschke, der bl.a. står bag en af Australiens mest ikoniske vine Hill Of Grace, er Charles Melton Wines et sted, der byder på noget helt særligt. Charles Melton Wines er et mindre dry grown winery beliggende i Barossa Valley ejet af winemaker Charles Melton og hans kone Virginia. Stedet er usandsynligt smukt og idyllisk og producerer nogle fantastiske vine.


Since the first vintage of Charles Melton Wines in 1984, this small Barossa Valley winery has gained both national and international recognition for its fine red table wines.

The wines move from a light red, ‘The Rose of Virginia’ through to Australia’s premier Rhone-style red, ‘Nine Popes’. Charlie Melton also makes small quantities of Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Sparkling Shiraz, and is the only Australian producer of a vin-santo styled dessert wine, Sotto di Ferro.

Charlie was one of the first to recognize the value and tradition of the Barossa’s old vineyard Grenache, Shiraz and Mourvedre. At a time when others were pulling out vineyards of Shiraz to plant more fashionable varieties, Charlie was convincing farmers to keep their historic vineyards. He was one of a small group of winemakers who helped retain the viticultural heritage of the Barossa.

Who is Charles Melton?

To cut a long story short …A boy from Sydney named Graeme Melton, arrived in the Barossa Valley in 1973. Graeme and a mate needed jobs to fix their broken-down EH Holden ute to continue their road trip across Australia. There were two jobs going – one as a cellarhand at a local winery called Krondorf, and another pruning at a vineyard down the road. They flipped a coin – Graeme got the cellarhand job.

At Krondorf he met Barossa winemaking legend Peter Lehmann (at the time, chief winemaker for the Dalgety group, Stonyfield and Saltram), and moved with Peter when he set up his new winery 6 years later. Lehmann refused to call his protégé “Graeme”, hence “Charlie” was born – and has stuck!

Just to speed this up a bit… During the next 10 years, ‘Charlie’ honed his winemaking skills under Lehmann – and met his wife-to-be, Virginia. Fast enough? In that time, he also travelled to France, and developed the beginnings of what would become a life-long passion for the wines of the Rhone Valley – in particular the Southern Rhone region where Grenache, Shiraz and Mourvedre are blended with up to 11 other varieties, as in the Chateauneuf du Pape appellation.

In 1984, Charlie purchased his first grapes to be made under the new “Charles Melton” label – and produced a Sparkling Red from old vines dry-grown in the Barossa. He soon splashed out again – this time purchasing 13 acres of Grenache and Shiraz. At that time, he also built the cellar door (“the barn”) and winery which still stands today on Krondorf Road, just outside Tanunda, in the valley of Barossa, in the state of South Australia.

Rosévin. Australien.

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